Tribe Guide!

  * Pictures go to Arber*
Hey mice! Ever needed a good, nice Guide to making and owning a Tribe? Well, here ya go! A sensible, simple guide to lead, make and build a good Tribe on Transformice! 

 How To Save Up And Name It: 
 It make take a while to save up for the exact cheese which is 500. I suggest go to vanilla or racing, which is quick and easy to collect the cheese. Remember, buying fraises for it is worthless, since it is only boughtable with cheese. Naming it takes creativity and an only mind. Some names might be taken, so think hard! 
 How To Start: 
 To start, don't add people to the Tribe yet. Type the greeting message, enter a code for the Tribe house and make the rank system. Also, make the rules and different choices to diff. ranks. It might be sensible to make an opening Thread for the Tribe Forum. Then, start adding members! 
 Add Good People: 

 Good, polite mice are best for the Tribe.You or you will send an invitation like this <<< If you see anyone who is polite looking and need's a Tribe, it's best to invite them. Any mean, troll mice may not be acceptable. Also, when they join, tell them the rules and what you do in the Tribe. Make sure they understand your rules, because any wrong move can lead to total disaster. 
 Controls For Tribe: 
 /t to talk to Tribemates
 /niege to make it snow in Tribe house 
 /lt to mute Tribechat or unmute
 What Happens If Something Wrong Happens?: 
 Anything bad could happen. Someone could hack and delete all your members or someone can spam the Tribe house. That's why you need to be careful. If your a picky mouse, make only yourself have the kick out ability and make only your trusted friends have the ability to change Tribe house and maps. Try to stay calm and deal the problem with proper care. 
 How Can I Get More Members To Join?: 
 There are three main reasons. The first, you can make a Tribe Thread on the Tribe part of the Forum. Make sure you add the rules, banner, founders, events and pictures.Look on the Forum to find out how to make a Thread. The second, make a profile on and make a thread for your Tribe. Third, advertise your Tribe on the rooms. Ask anyone if they need a Tribe and tell them to whisper you. Don't try to spam either. 
 How To Not Make The Tribe Die: 
 Try to be active. Make conversations with Tribemates to not set in boredom. Boredom could lead to leaving and you want to make the Tribe bigger. Also, make movie nights and special FFA and other minigames with bots every day or so. It could be fun and give you a bigger Tribe. 
 How To Leave Tribe?: 
 If your a regular member, just go to the main Tribe profile and you'll see your mouse. Click "leave Tribe" and you'll leave. If your a Chief, you do the same thing. The Tribe will live on, but no one recruited when you leave will be ranked. It would slowly die and forever be gone. So it's good to hang on to your Tribe and never leave unless hacked, trolled or it died. 
 How To Check Your Members: 
 If your the Chief, your member's profiles with look like the image. It will have their name, their title, their rank (cooker, soldier, etc.) and if your the Chief, there will be a small dot to the profile where you can rank them up. You can click on the X of your members to exile them or you can leave.  
 ~ Boom 


  1. how do you invite someone to your tribe house?

    1. Go to their name in the username thingy under the menu, and click "Invite to tribe" or whatever it says for you :3
